Friday, November 16, 2007

How to add 10-15 people a week into your downline

Today we are going to explore home based business. Is it pie in the sky hype or really doable?

In the following treatise we will seperate the wheat from the chaff and explore what is working from what is not. Let's get down to business!

The industry's dirty little secret

Factoid #1: The home based business market is rapidly growing at an explosive rate. Everyone from the bus driver to the local attorney, doctors and professionals are teeing up to get a piece of the action.

The short story is we all want the dream, the pride of ownership, the freedom, and the independence that self employment provides.

Entreprenuership is as American as apple pie and small business is the backbone of this country.

Why? Because real potential exists to earn six and even seven figures annually, working from home. Enjoying a lifestyle that most only dream about.

Why then do the vast majority of home based business ventures go down in flames? Smashing their owners dreams of champagne wishes and caviar dreams! Let's dig a little deeper.

Greater fool theory

Factoid #2: The home based business industry is plagued with rank amateurs.

Brokesters, who are doing it as a sideline or supplement to their present jobs hoping that it will turn into a serious income producer that affords them the choice to quit their jobs. Some are just looking for extra income to bridge the gap.

The problem is, that their business development methodology is wrong. They haven't been properly trained in the #1 factor that could give them half a chance in achieving success, and that factor is marketing.

This group is largely failing because it practices what it preachs on a daily basis. That is a flawed methodology known as duplication (duplication is when your mentor or sponser tells you that all you have to do to be successful is emulate or duplicate them).

In hopes of making a front line sale.... Be it, shampoos, vitamin supplements, lotions, potions, juices, or whatever, they are telling you to emulate them and duplicate them.

Believe me that's the last thing you ought to be doing, don't listen to anyone preaching duplication.

Scrubs & Amateurs

That talk is for scrubs and rank amateurs, run don't walk away!

This same group is especially delighted when you duplicate them and sign up for autoship!

Hell , it's their continuity plan for crying out loud! Receiving a crate full of expensive mango juice elixers, creams, cosmetics or whatever is not going to make you a success.

Your up line will tell you, that you should become familiar with the product you'll be selling and recommending? Gimme a break.... are you the rep or the end user. Oh yea.. I know both! Yes, know your product, buy it once if you must. Auto-ship? no way.

In true sales, if your taught right and supported, you don't actually need to own, use or be on autoship for anything!

I know... I know, I'm being harsh. There are some out there who really like the product and want to use what they recommend. I can appreciate that.

Keeping it real so to speak...... That is until before you know it, you have a garage full of shampoo or Mango Juice extract.....and folks this stuff gets expeeeensive..... quick!

This is what we call the greater fool theory..... Is that you? As we say in NY.... It's All Good! We all got some war stories to tell at one time or another.....and some strange inventories accumulated over the years! They do get comical over time however.....I promise.

Its part of the process and PAR for the course, so don't beat yourself up over past errors in judgement.

Instead, take comfort in knowing that at least you tried or are trying. You is a player!

You got onboard, stepped up to the plate are prepared to swing for the fences, and that is noble .

Don't ever let anyone tell you any different! Even if those who share the same last name as you. Especially those working a J-O-B.

I'm not knocking MLM. It is a real business that does and can work, however only a small percentage of players are making real money (six and seven figures annually). Are you one of them? If not why?

Those who do, are employing fresh ideas and methodologies, not following the herd. Let's explore.

Let's take a look at the typical profile of today's home based entreprenuer. The Johnny come lately's if you will. They are largely comprised of:

The white collar hoax escapees

White collar workers looking to escape the un-stimulating corporate hoax environment. True believers of their own B.S. that their corporate skill set will give them an edge towards building a successful and profitable home based business.

Blue collar workers, fed up and finally getting it, realizing that trading hours for dollars has never worked and is highly un-stimulating.

This group largely represents the fastest growing segment of people who have joined the home based business ranks. A worldwide phenomenon that is growing exponentially every year. The appeal of freedom, stimulation and financial security is a strong aphrodisiac for many.

But what are these folks buying into?

What are they being taught and by whom? Did anyone ever stop to think and ask the tough questions?

Who's teaching the teacher? And what makes that person right or qualified?

Factoid # 3: I estimate that ninety nine percent of them; your up line that is! have never been properly trained in marketing, business development and worse yet, never sold anything before in their entire lives! You get the picture.

Guess What?

These are the very same people training you to buy in on auto-ship, go to meetings, cold call biz op leads, bother your friends and family.

In short, they are your up line! They are the very same group that is teaching you how to build your down line or business by duplicating them! Yikes! That is scary!

Now you know the #1 reason why over the last 50 years ninety five percent of home based businesses have failed.

Follow the follower

It's a vicious cycle called duplication, and the name of the game is follow the follower.

Unproductive activities like cold calling biz op leads, being a huge pest to your family and friends, employing the three foot rule, going to silly network meetings, never shutting up about your great network marketing opportunity, no matter where you are.

Trying to recruit at a funeral, can you believe it?

I once was at a funeral and overheard someone telling their network marketing tale to another person attending. The conversation started something like this" Oh you wouldn't believe what I've stumbled on, it's a golden opportunity. I'm already doing really well, I've been involved about 1 month, but _____ is kicking butt and he's only been involved for _____ months.

Have you ever heard a conversation like this? You know the kind where you ask them, what is it that they are involved with? What's the product? Who's the company?

They clam up real fast about now and become cagey telling you, you need to come down for a meeting to learn more or have it better explained!

What the $$##***. You mean to tell me that, you can't tell me right general terms in 5 seconds or less...ballpark what your involved with? Give me at least your mini elevator speech?

Then why on earth to would I want to waste a nano-second of my life going to your meeting? To do what I ask? Drink the Kool-Aid! You get the picture.

Trying to recruit at a funeral for the love of god!.....can you imagine? That's pretty bad.

If anyone approaches you lamely like this... cut them to the quick! blow them off quickly with any excuse you can find....(Potty break, cold, ask what the weather is doing outside) then tie a can to their ass and send them packing and don't come out until you no longer hear it rattling.

Fail to heed my advice, by going to the network meeting and drinking the Kool-Aid, and you my friend, just might wind up becoming the next proud owner of a garage full of shampoo, go go juice or worse!

Whatever you do...don't make this pesky mistake. Learn when to speak and when to shut your pie hole about your hot MLM opportunity. This is a valuable lesson.

This is not the way top network marketers make the kind of money they make. If this is you, stop what your doing!

There is a better way

Build a list of prospects by offering up freebies, getting prospects to opt into your newsletter, ebook or mini-course is certainly one intelligent way to build a list.

But first you must learn the basics of internet marketing, learn how to write copy that sells plus you'll be up seasoned internet marketing veterens, who know this game cold. How fast can you learn to howl with the wolves? How fast can you implement?

Are you able stay creative and keep creating? Deliver tremendous value and content for FREE? Give away DVD's. Compose content that is so engaging and useful, it sucks your reader right in...causing them to salivate and want more.

This is a talent that could take a minimum of weeks to develop on a rudimentary level and months or years to master. Master copywriters are not born, they are forged with blood sweat and tears. The good ones earn rather healthy six figure incomes. The good news for you, is that you don't necessarily have to be a master copywriter to make money.

If you can do all this, take comfort in knowing that you are in the top 99% percentile and within a few short weeks or months, you will have a viable list of prospects earning you a very substantial amount of money. Assuming you have the right message or product to your suit the list.

Will You become an email pest?

How many email contacts does it take before you are considered a pest?

That's right, old news, not important and not worthy? People have very short attention spans these days, trust me.

You are competing with some clever marketers. Marketers who have bank to hire good copywriters, come up with creative sales pieces, squeeze pages and ideas.

At the end of the day, we are all vying for the same dollars from the same crowd. The market is huge and growing but so is the competition and it is amazing; the speed at which some of these guys can implement and get good is astonishing. Some literally go from obscurity to household names inside of a few months.

Never forget this. Because a subscriber is on your list is, know that he/she is also guaranteed to be on ten least. Ye' who's message marketing is best...get's the prize!

So with all the offers, great copy, ideas and opportunities constantly coming down the pike into your subscribers inbox. Ask yourself...What's so special about me and my offer? See what I mean.

They'll click the unsubscribe link sooner than later if your emails are too numerous, don't deliver valuable content, are pushy, or too salesy.

People hate to be sold, but they sure love to buy!

Nobody enjoys feeling like chopped liver! You must first develop a rapport built on value and trust. You'd be amazed how at many mistakes I see, so called guru marketers making.

How much message marketing can a person absorb before they become numb and un-reponsive? Worse yet start un-subscribing or hitting the delete button?

You have got to over-rule your prospects mind being message marketed to death each day with chatter and clutter. You got to take it on a different vibrational frequency that is in harmony with your prospects and cut through to clarity. That clarity of course is your message.

What psychological triggers will you put in place to get your prospects to take action and pull the trigger?


You can work smarter instead of harder. You can shorten the sales cycle by not re-inventing the wheel or following the herd. You can plug into a new paradigm for business development that's turnkey, pretty simple and just needing a competent pilot to direct, tweak it and cash$$$.

Imagine having automated business development systems, that run like clock work whether your engaged or sleeping...... A radically different approach that leads to more prospects , more sales conversions and more income than you previously dreamed possible.

A blueprint system that engages the power of technology coupled with massive LEVERAGE and adaptability. How about on going training and coaching for you and your sales team? Daily! Do you think with an arsenal like this in your tool box, you could make things happen? Make some noise?

I don't care what business your in, or what the metrics are....this stuff works period. Why? Because at the end of the day it all comes down to marketing and speed period.

Without the right tools and systems working in your favor, how do you expect to compete against the big boys? They have the budget and resources to employ whole departments of marketers. You can't do it alone and you know that by experience.

Marketing Success

Marketing and customer acquisition, coupled with the speed and agility at which you can implement, are the whole difference between success and failure.

You see folks, because your competition is working the same market, everyone is psychologically tugging at the same prospects heart, mind and wallet. "Ye' who markets best, gets the the prize" Every Time! There are no second place finishers, this is a zero sum game.

Also rans get squat, we play to win period!

How good you are at what you do or how special you feel about your product or service is irrevelent. Best marketer wins handsdown, everytime....period. Got it....Good.

Are you coachable? Are you ready and able to make a commitment to change. Are you prepared to work a new plan? If so, then you are going to absolutely smack the ball out of the park and hit a home run. You will become successful in ways you've only dreamed about before up until now.

I don't care where you come from, makes no difference, what your past was like.... as far we can tell there are no rewinds or do-overs.

However, the future is something you do own and control. You can either bend it to your will or do nothing and succumb. Become a victim of circumstance. The choice is yours my friend. No excuses, no critics... this ones on you.... the person in the mirror.

Will you make a commitment to changing the way you've been taught and operated?

Are you open to new ideas and methods, do you have the courage and conviction to set a new course of action for yourself and invest in yourself? Because if you won't do it, who will? I'll answer that question for.... you nobody will.

Will you embrace new challenges and look for opportunities or will you hang on to old familiar? Stay in your comfort zone.

The years will go by in any event. Whether you make a commitment to new ideas or not.

Time, your greatest asset

Time is your most valuable asset and time waits for no one.

Did you ever wonder how some people achieve so much in the same 24 hours we are all given, while others struggle?

We are all have the same 24 hours each day, yet some reach great heights and do truly great things, while others sputter.

Why is that? I'll tell you.....In a word... It's LEVERAGE. Leverage coupled with speed and agility to commit new ideas into action.....massive action! That's it folks, you just got the golden secret.

It's really that simple and don't ever forget it. Yes it takes courage of conviction to follow through on what you believe to be true and yes it is true.

Insanity is by definition doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome or result. Will you be satisfied getting the same results you've had? Or will you take massive action, set a new course for your business and self? For your family?

Make a commitment to excellence and get on plan to achieve the success you desire. It is doable! Let go of the past and the fear that paralyzes us all and prevents us from making a commitment to new ideas and change.

Take charge and start taking massive will love yourself for it.

I want you to make a journey across your rubicon, get out of your comfort zone, erase the false fear of failure, rejection and move forward. If your serious and focused I know you will enjoy more success in the next 12 months than you've previously had in the last 12 years.

Living life on your own terms is what it is all about, isn't it? That's what our great creator had in mind for us all. To be stimulated, be engaged in life.... to stagnate, living day to day, with drudgery, but to really live. I know this to be true and so will you....if you allow it.

It is sewn into the fabric of our nature to be dynamic and grow.

What makes MacDonalds so successful?

It's certainly not because they have the best burgers on the planet or the best 16 year old workforce. It's because of their systems and training. They have a proven system that runs by the numbers. A Systematic processes that is scalable and can be plugged into by all their franchisees.

That's how MacDonalds does it and that's why they've been so dominant in their industry. This is why you will dominate yours as well using our proven system, technology and training.

Automated systems of prospecting , thinking like a CEO and leveraging the latest technology and systems to build your business, multiply's your efforts, increases your at bats, hits and home runs.

After you are trained, you will become a weapon, a mercenery of business, a minister of efficiency and power. One who get's more done in a week than you previously achieved in six months. We will give you the edge you need to grow your business in ways you never thought possible.

We know what is working and have built layers into this for you to expand and stretch your business and revenue opportunities. We are looking for a few commited pilots who see the value of what we have and will take the bull by the horns and take their businesses to the next level. Is that you?

Failure is not an option! What do you think the biggest producers in your organization are doing? The high six and seven figure earners? Do you think they might be doing things a little different than the herd? You bet they are.

Visualize the Future

I'm going to take you behind the curtain and show you how business of the future will be built. You will be ten or fifteen years ahead of any of your competition.

You will enjoy the Holy Grail of business..... "having an unfair competitive advantage". I hope you can appreciate that and let it sink in, because while your competition is floundering, you will be kicking ass... Sorry, but I got to keep it real!

I want you to visualize for a moment, if you could time travel back to the dawn of the PC age in the early eighties? Or the dawn of the Internet in the late eighties and early nineties? Do you think you would have the insight and motivation to make a move, get involved? To profit?

Well that opportunity is here again, right now. You have the ability to be years ahead of your competition and enjoy a serious advantage.

Once you get a leg up, they will be eating your dust. Will you take it or will you let this opportunity fleet from you. Your owe it to yourself and your family. Do not allow fear to paralyze you.

I invite you to leave your comfort zone and think outside the box and do something great! We truly do create our own realities.

Massive Income & Profit

I will show you how to create massive income quickly and consistently by thinking like a CEO, using the power of delegation rather than duplication of methods that don't work.

Smart businesses keep evolving and changing as necessary. Through systematic leverage of personnel and technology, smart businesses dominate their respective markets. I am going to show you exactly how to do it too! Only faster and better.

Our program teaches you how to get a room full of hungry sales people ready and eager to do your selling for you, without spending a dime out of pocket. That's right, they will line up and beg you for the opportunity to do this for straight commission, no salary no draw or upfront monies. When you get paid they get paid. And no brick and morter expense or phone room either!

You will learn exactly how to employ the power of leverage, technology and more, driving more prospects, more conversions and more money....a lot more money. We got a piece of the puzzle we affectionately call our 10K program, it teaches you how to leverage yourself to explode your income quickly, as in 10K a week! Is it doable? you better believe it is! and yes it is included in the program. Oh, I'll bet I got your ATTENTION! Keep reading.

No more banging the phone for hours on end, dealing with nasty rejection, talking to unqualified strangers. The power of our system takes care of that for you. In-fact if you never want to speak to a prospect again you don't have too. I'll show you how.

Folks, this stuff is that powerful, exciting and works, I've barely scratched the surface here.

Our system of Auto-pilot marketing works while your asleep, playing, or doing other more productive work growing your business.

Working on your business rather than in it. I know I've said a mouthful here but I am excited for those who will take action and absolutely change their fortunes and future.

Morph yourself from annoying pest to invited guest?

Your prospects will seek you out for a change, instead of you chasing them. Think about that! Is that powerful and awesome or what? You will go from annoying pest to welcome guest. An esteemed sought after expert, who solves problems. You will be the sought after in-demand commodity dealing with only those you choose.

Watch how suddenly family and friends gravitate towards you and will pay any price to get involved with you and your business. You will become magnetic an attract wealth and opportunities that you didn't even know existed before.

Seasoned sales pro's will love the shift from cold prospecting to trusted advisor. It is life changing and uplifting. Sales doesn't have be so hard, infact it should be fun.

Are you getting results like this?

If not, do not wait do not hesitate or procrastinate, nothing will change until you take action. Wishing upon a star, using tea leaves, is no way to getting business on track for success. Raise your hand up high and say Joe tell me more. send me an email me directly at and I'll send you a link further explaining.

I will do more than give you lip service, I will show you point blank what I'm talking about. In the video in the comfort of your own home and PC, you will see fully what I'm talking about here and how you can get involved.

But first I want to be sure we are right for each other. Nice to be picky isn't it? If you got the right stuff and want to enjoy a significant cash flow increase to your business email me with your contact info and let's talk.

I only work with real entreprenuers and business people who are at least of the right attitude and mindset. Read Joe's golden rule below.

Joe's Golden Rule: No Bitchers, whiners or moaners....Please

I have no time or patience for lazy people who want something for nothing, whiners, cry babies, or delusional types. Sorry for the tone, but I just don't have the time nor do i need to deal with it. So we're clear right? This system is battle proven in the field and is already making selcet people a loooot of $$$$ proven.

You must have be willing to roll up their sleves and put forth the effort. This is a business and does require grown up effort and attention. There is no magic easy button here and nobody will do it for you but you.

A powerful field tested, proven winning system

What you'll get from us is a fully supported proven system of automated lead generation and qualification. You will receive considerable valuable in on going training and support worth many times the cost of investment.w So I don't want to hear excuses folks. This system is battle proven and works. If you don't do nothing, you will get nothing. It is the universal law of the universe. This is for serious people who have the right mindset and want to ratchet it up a notch or three and take their businesses to the next level.

Is there an investment? Nothing in life worthwhile is free. Honestly folks the value you are receiving is waaay tilted in your favor for what this investment is priced at. I think you would be literally crazy to pass this up if you are any kind of serious entreprenuer. The education alone what you'll learn is worth at least 10x the price of admission. I never heard of an investment that returns 100% in 30 days, but here you have one and it's proven. You will simply be blown away by this program, the techniques, training and support. Get in while you can.

The 21st Century Business Model

You are about to take a quantum leap forward on your epic journey to doing business in the 21st century. I'm really excited for you , I mean it! I'm not worrried about you as competition. First of all if your successful, you'll amplify my success as well. Secondly, I can't possibly market to nor handle the entire planet, which is our market by the way. Your results are guaranteed as long as you work the system, and are backed by our 45 day guarantee, which states as long as you work the system (verified by us) you will be guaranteed to make at least your upfront investment back. Frankly folks, you will turn it in less than 15-20 days if you work it or less. The results have been fabulous. You and your people will be mentored, coached, and trained DAILY by the best in the business. It's all inclusive, no additional costs or fees what's so ever except an 100.00 annual registration fee period. No getting nickle and dimed to death here.

I look forward to working with a select few of you and taking you on a journey fast forward to your future and new destiny, the one you've envisioned for yourself. If you believe you will achieve. Contact me for your link detailing what we have going on here. Wishing you all the best.

Yours Truly,

Joe Ballard